Socio-Economic Empowerment

Case Studies

Socio-Economic Empowerment

Through synergies with legal experts we guided the identification of core consumer protection issues in digital financial services

Meraki Africa successfully developed a national microfinance scheme for government of Lesotho. The scheme complete with a detailed budget and operational and implementation plan is currently being implemented.  On regulatory support, Meraki Africa is developing 3 regulatory guidelines for consumer protection for digital finances in Africa; the Transparency and Disclosure for (Digital Financial Services) DFS Guideline; Consumer Complaints, Management and Recourse for DFS Guideline and Cybersecurity and Fraud Guideline.


Governments formulate and implement various strategies and policies in different sectors to ensure financial stakeholders play efficient roles to boost economy and strengthen investment environment in these countries. Further, regulatory authorities create a conducive environment for financial services providers to deepen their offerings to the unbanked and at the same time ensure that the consumers of the services remain protected.

Meraki Africa has worked with governments in Africa in designing appropriate strategies to deepen financial access to the MSME segments. By conducting financial sector assessments at macro, meso and micro level of the financial sector, the opportunities and gaps towards creating a robust MSME sector were identified and discussed at multi-level stakeholder workshops. Our approach led to the identification of immediate, mid and long-term plans for successful growth of MSME finance sector.

In terms of regulatory support, Meraki Africa has through synergies with legal experts guided the identification of core consumer protection issues in digital financial services. In line with our peer learning objective, our approach included an in-depth review of best use cases on consumer protection for DFS directives from relevant regions, development of a Policy Note setting out issues for consideration and, capacity building events for the regulator staff to develop regulatory guidelines in relation to the market context.

  • Financial Products
  • ECLOF Kenya
  • 24/11/2017

Offering Sustainable Solutions that Positively Impact Livelihoods..

We provide advisory services to institutions working in the financial sector for and with the mass client segment.